Meet Dr. Fran

Spiritual Teacher & Mentor


As a Powerful Spiritual Teacher and Mentor for individuals who desire to be ALL, they were created to BE and to integrate intentional living in their everyday lives. By knowing this truth, you can create a life once believed unattainable. She teaches how to bridge the physical with the spiritual by accessing the power of your mind and connecting to the Higher Consciousness.

Her teachings are sought worldwide with an extensive clients list including A-Listers, Professional Athletes, and Hollywood’s Elite. Born with the gift of discernment and intuitive wisdom, Fran uses these abilities to teach and deliver messages globally. Many say Fran disseminates love, light, healing, and humor mixed with practical, informative wisdom and insight. She has worked with thousands of people worldwide, assisting with everything from negotiating million-dollar contracts, assisting in real estate transactions, transforming mindsets to delivering messages of comfort. Many say Fran disseminates love, light, healing, and humor mixed in with practical, informative wisdom and insight.


Author & Motivational Speaker

In addition to Dr. Fran’s many accolades, she is also a mom, abundance & mindset mentor, Podcast host, and creator of “Conversations with Fran” on YouTube.

The intuitive discernment she receives from the Divine has been called 100% accurate. Her purpose in life is to use all of her God-given gifts to transform the consciousness of the planet. Fran uses her special spiritual connection to help people hear the things they can’t or they are missing.

She delivers innovative messages that arm you with the information needed to make educated decisions regarding family, love, money and so much more. Fran comes from a long line of spiritual healers, prophets, and prayer warriors. She has helped thousands change their lives and deepen their connection with Spirit.

With her “tell it like it is,” no excuse approach and her loving delivery Fran inspires you to connect to your authentic self. She regularly travels the world educating sold-out audiences on setting intention, forgiveness, healing, prosperity, and wealth through seminars, workshops, and retreats.


"Fran helps empower individuals to bridge the gap between the spiritual and physical world..."

Fran helps empower individuals to bridge the gap between the spiritual world and the physical world. She is an insightful spiritual teacher and practical life coach. Fran shows others how to practically use the laws of the universe to work in their favor through grace, favor, angels, and God. She is having a profound impact on SO MANY people. You are change personified!

Grace Y - Los Angeles, CA

Early Life –
Family & Career

Fran’s young adult life focused on a more traditional path – college, family, and career. She received a doctrine degree in Divinity, Spiritual Studies, Metaphysics, and studied at Unity Village as well as worked for Silent Unity Prayer Ministries. During this time her spiritual gifts were used only to aid those close to her like friends and family.

Over the years, with lots of love, prayer, and guidance, her abilities and connections grew in strength, as did the call to walk the path and own the purpose of her life.

It was in 2000 that she made the decision that her true path was to assist those seeking their higher purpose and live their lives to the fullest. Now Fran focuses on bettering the world one person at a time.

When she is not traveling, writing books, or seeing clients, she is spending time with her family. Fran is usually somewhere close to the ocean, listening to Prince, Michael Jackson, T.I., or Barbara Streisand just to name a few.

Make a change in your life today and experience enlightenment + joy!


Got Questions? Ask Away!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a reading from Fran?

Fran does sessions over the phone, in person and via Skype by appointment only. If Fran is in your city and offering in person sessions you will have to book them in advance.

Right now she has satellite offices in Dallas, Houston, San Diego, Orange County, New York with her main office in Missouri. You can call 816-974-8075 or 818-408-6570 to discuss availability for appointment dates.

Does Fran believe in God?

Does Fran believe in God?

Does Fran pray to the Angels?

No, Fran prays to God, she connects with the Angels as the messengers of God.

What advice does Fran have for those who want to hear from their Angels?

Pray, ask and get silent. Fran believes that if you ask it is given every time and we all have been assigned an Angel, as
you need them more and invite them in they show up in amazing ways. Ask for their guidance, they will be delighted
to give it to you.

What does Fran specialize in?

Fran’s gifts help you in your life journey but has found that her purpose assisting people with love, relationships, abundance, health and the grieving process.

Where did the name Angels with Fran come from?

Every since Fran could remember she could hear and see Angels. She always had an connection with them and always knew they were with her, so to honor the connection she name her company Angels with Fran.

Is Fran accurate and where does her information come from?

Fran is very accurate, she has a very close relationship with God and she has ask that he use her life and gifts to help those who are seeking. She channels a group of Angelic Teachers from which she receives information.

Fran also reads the energy and the vibration of the clients that she works with believing each person has there own unique blueprint and souls roadmap.

The information she receives regarding events in your life are extremely accurate in some cases she is even able to give times. She was born with the gift and as she prays and practices many have said they have seen her gifts become stronger.

Does Fran receive information from loved ones who have crossed over?

Fran has the gift of Spiritual Mediumship which is a gift she received after dealing with the death of her sister. If a loved ones energy is around you or has a message for you Fran will give you that information. Also Fran helps those who are grieving deal with the death of loved ones with her gift.

What if I don’t get any information in my reading?

When you have a session with Fran you will always get the information you seek, many people come to see her and never have to ask a question because spirit knows all. However the best way is to give your Angels permission to help you, no one can intervene on your free will. So simply ask them to help you, and allow your mind to be open to receive.